
Hren Taras
Head of Lviv Regional State Administration OfficeServices
Useful information
Structure and contacts
Deputy Head of the Regional State Administration office

Vasylyshyn Maksym
Deputy Head of the Regional State Administration office
Administrative management
Skirka Volodymyr
Head of the Department
Department of office work and document management
Control sector
Hrabynska Maryana
Temporaly Acting Deputy Head of the sector
Department of electronic governance

Duda Andriy
Head of the Department
Citizen appeals sector

Hnatyuk Anna
Head of the sector
Legal management

Mulyk Oksana
Head of the Department
Department of legal support
Maksymiv Oksana
Temporally Acting head of the department
Department of ensuring representation in courts
Smotrych Dmytro
Deputy Director of the Department - Head of the Department
Management of organizational work and economic support
Management Activity department
Department of organizational work
Patronage service
Personnel and Awards Department

Mandyuk Svitlana
Head of the department
Department of financial support

Fedko Anna
Head of the Department
Head of the department

Pavliv Zoryana
Head of the department
Sector of mobilization work
Sector on Regime-Secret Work issues
Bezpalko Maryna
Head of the sector
internal audit sector
Oksana Ivanyk
Head of the internal audit sector
Sector for Corruption Prevention and Detection
Meryo Olga
Head of the sector
Development and promotion department

Tsisinska Oksana
Director of the Department
Department of economic support

Sadlivska Iryna
Head of the department
Activity information
Tasks and functions
Regulations on the Apparatus of Lviv Regional State Administration
The Apparatus of Lviv Regional State Administration (hereinafter - the Apparatus) is formed by the head of the Regional State Administration in accordance with Article 44 of the Law of Ukraine "On Local State Administrations".
The Apparatus consists of structural subdivisions that organizationally ensure the main activities of the Regional State Administration.
The Apparatus in its activities is guided by the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, ministries and other central executive bodies, the Regulations of Lviv Regional State Administration, orders and instructions of the Regional State Administration Head, decrees of the Regional State Administration Head, by these Regulations and other normative legal acts.
In the process of fulfilling the tasks assigned, the Apparatus interacts with the structural subdivisions of the Regional State Administration, the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the apparatuses of district state administrations, territorial bodies of central executive power bodies and executive bodies of local councils.
The organization of the Apparatus work is carried out in accordance with the Regulations of the Regional State Administration approved by the order of the Regional State Administration Head and this Regulation.
The main objectives of the Apparatus
The main objectives of the Apparatus are:
Legal, informational and analytical, methodical, personnel, organizational, material and technical and other support for the Regional State Administration activities.
Preparation of analytical, informational and other materials.
Systematic verification of compliance and implementation of legislative acts, orders, instructions of the head of the Regional State Administration and orders of the office chief of the Regional State Administration by the Regional State Administration structural divisions and district state administrations.
Provision of methodical and other practical assistance to structural subdivisions of Regional State Administration, district state administrations and local self-government bodies.
The main functions of the Apparatus
the Apparatus according to the objectives assigned:
Provides organizational support for compliance with the Constitution of Ukraine, laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and other central executive bodies, execution of orders, assignments of the head of the Regional State Administration, orders of the Regional State Administration office chief on the territory of the region.
Participates in the implementation of state control by the Regional State Administration within the limits defined by the current legislation.
Provides legal support for the Regional State Administration activities, provides methodological and other assistance on legal issues.
Represents the interests of the Regional State Administration and its structural subdivisions in courts and other authorities during consideration of legal issues or disputes.
Checks, on behalf of the Regional State Administration Head and the head of the Regional State Administration office, the implementation of the laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders and instructions of the head of the Regional State Administration by the structural divisions of the Regional State Administration, as well as district state administrations, develops proposals for improvement of activities of these bodies, supervises their timely submission of reports, information and other materials regarding the implementation of legislative acts, orders and instructions of the head of the Regional State Administration; studies and summarizes the work experience of these bodies, provides practical and methodological assistance in its improvement.
Provides legal expertise on the subject of compliance with the requirements of current legislation during the preparation of draft orders of the head of the Regional State Administration.
Registers the orders of the head of the Regional State Administration, instructions of the management, orders of the head of the staff of the Regional State Administration, ensures their timely delivery to the executors and interested persons. Ensures submission of regulatory legal acts of the Regional State Administration to the Main Territorial Administration of Justice in the Lviv Region for state registration and their publication through mass media. Ensures record keeping in the Regional State Administration. Processes and submits to the head of the Regional State Administration, to the deputy heads of the Regional State Administration (in accordance with the distribution of functional duties), to the chief of staff of the Regional State Administration documents, appeals, other correspondence received by the Regional State Administration, prepares analytical, reference and other necessary materials, as well as drafts of orders, assignments of the head of the Regional State Administration and orders of the head of the staff of the Regional State Administration regarding these documents. Ensures organizational preparation and holding of meetings of the relevant consultative, advisory bodies of the Regional State Administration, meetings, and other events conducted by the head of the Regional State Administration, deputy heads or chief of staff of the Regional State Administration. Ensures work coordination and interaction of regional state administration with district state administrations, local self-government bodies. Ensures interaction on behalf of the head of the Regional State Administration or the chief of staff of the Regional State Administration of the structural divisions of the Regional State Administration with the central bodies of executive power, their territorial divisions. Analyzes, within the limits defined by the current legislation, the orders of the heads of structural divisions of the Regional State Administration, orders of the heads of district state administrations, decisions of the executive bodies of local councils of cities of regional importance, as well as acts of enterprises, institutions, organizations belonging to the sphere of management of the Regional State Administration, regarding their compliance with current legislation. Based on the proposals of the deputy heads of the Regional State Administration, heads of structural units of the Regional State Administration, heads of district state administrations, city mayors (cities of regional importance), prepares and submits for consideration to the head of the Regional State Administration drafts of work plans and other activities carried out by the Regional State Administration; provides control over their implementation. Implements the state policy on personnel management in the Apparatus and structural divisions of the Regional State Administration. Ensures that the head of the Regional State Administration and the chief of staff of the Regional State Administration exercise their powers in matters of personnel management. Ensures organizational development of regional state administration.
Performs personnel selection in the Apparatus.
Provides forecasting of personnel development, encouragement of employees to the service career, improvement of the level of their professional competence.
Performs analytical and organizational work on personnel management.
Carries out organizational and methodical management and control over work with personnel in structural divisions of the Regional State Administration and district state administrations of the region.
Monitors compliance with legislation on civil service, labor and the state of personnel management in structural units of the Regional State Administration and district state administrations of the region.
Considers proposals and prepares documents regarding the awarding of state awards of Ukraine, awards of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine and the Regional State Administration, keeps appropriate records.
Provides organizational support for meetings of the Regional State Administration Board, as well as meetings held by the head of the Regional State Administration.
Ensures drawing up work plans of the Regional State Administration and ensures the preparation of management decisions.
Monitors the implementation of the laws of Ukraine, acts and orders of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine by the structural subdivisions of the Regional State Administration, district state administrations, territorial bodies of central executive bodies and local self-government bodies in terms of the implementation of delegated powers of executive bodies by them. acts of ministries, other central bodies of executive power, orders and instructions of the head of the Regional State Administration, instructions of the first deputy, deputy heads of the Regional State Administration and according to the state of work on responding to requests and appeals of people's deputies of Ukraine, deputies of local councils and other incoming documents, as well as conducts an analysis of the reasons for the violation of the deadlines for the execution of documents and makes proposals for their elimination.
Prepares informational, reference and other materials related to the execution of documents.
Informs the head of the Regional State Administration, the chief of staff of the Regional State Administration about the state of execution of documents by district state administrations and local self-government bodies in terms of the powers delegated to them.
Ensures preparation, approval by the head of the Regional State Administration and submission to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine for approval of estimates, monthly allocation plans, staff lists and calculations for them by the Apparatus.
Prepares financial and accounting reports, as well as state statistical, consolidated and other reports based on accounting data in the manner established by law, and submits them in accordance with the established deadlines.
Performs the financial functions of the chief manager of state budget funds under KPKVK 7831010 "Exercise of executive power in Lviv region".
Compiles and submits to the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine reports on the implementation of passports of budget programs under KPKVK 7831010 "Exercise of executive power in Lviv region" and other state programs by the main managers of funds for the reporting year.
Performs the functions of the main manager of funds or second-level manager of the State Budget of Ukraine (state regional development fund, reserve fund of the state budget, funds for holding elections of the President of Ukraine and holding elections of People's Deputies of Ukraine), allocated to the Regional State Administration by the relevant ministries and other central bodies of the executive authorities of Ukraine.
Performs the functions of the main manager of funds according to regional budget programs approved by the decision of the regional council session, prepares passports of budget programs and budget requests for each program; provides information and reports on the execution of programs for each direction of use.
Performs ongoing control over compliance with budget legislation when making budget commitments, registering them with the bodies of the State Treasury Service and making payments in accordance with the budget commitments made.
Ensures compliance with the requirements of regulatory and legal acts regarding the use of financial, material (intangible) resources during the acceptance and execution of documents related to business operations.
Prepares consolidated quarterly and annual reports for the Regional State Administration on the implementation of state budget programs and submits them to the Main Department of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine in the Lviv region, the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine, the Accounting Chamber of Ukraine and relevant relevant ministries.
Forms a budget request for the Apparatus for the purpose of drawing up the state budget project for the relevant year and the state budget forecast project for the next 2 years.
Ensures registration and consideration of citizens' appeals, organization of reception of citizens; inspects the state of this work in the structural subdivisions of the Regional State Administration, district state administrations, city executive committees of city councils (cities of regional importance), assists them in organizing this work in the prescribed manner.
Organizes personal reception of citizens by the leadership of the Regional State Administration and consideration of appeals received by the Regional State Administration, monitors the resolution of issues raised in these appeals, summarizes and analyzes the proposals contained in them, develops proposals aimed at eliminating the causes that give rise to well-founded complaints and comments of citizens.
Coordinates the work of centers providing administrative services on issues of providing high-quality administrative services.
Provides information and advice to administrative service centers regarding the requirements and procedure for providing administrative services.
Processes draft orders of the head of the Regional State Administration and orders of the head of the staff of the Regional State Administration, on the instructions of the head of the Regional State Administration or the head of the staff of the Regional State Administration, develops draft orders on organizational and personnel issues.
Checks and analyzes orders of heads of district state administrations and decisions of executive committees of city councils (cities of regional significance) on issues of exercising delegated powers of executive authorities.
Prepares draft orders of the head of the Regional State Administration regarding the cancellation of the orders of the heads of the district state administrations, orders of the heads of structural divisions of the Regional State Administration, which contradict the Constitution of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine, decisions of the Constitutional Court of Ukraine, other legal acts or are impractical, uneconomical, ineffective as expected or actual results.
Conducts activities related to state secrets, organizes and takes measures to ensure the regime of secrecy in the Regional State Administration in accordance with the requirements of legislation i
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