Structure and contacts
Directorate of Cross-border Cooperation and International Technical Assistance of the Department of International Technical Assistance and International Cooperation
Department of international technical assistance support
Maksym Sagan
Head of Department
Department of cross-border cooperation
Department of International Cooperation and European Integration of the Department of International Technical Assistance and International Cooperation of the Regional State Administration
Department of interregional cooperation and protocol support
Department of promotion and European integration
Activity information
Tasks and functions
The Department of International Cooperation of the Lviv Region State Administration is a structural unit of the Region State Administration. It is formed by order of the head of the Region State Administration and within Lviv Region ensures the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to it, which are specified in the Regulations on the Department of International Cooperation of the Lviv Region State Administration.
The department reports to the head of the regional state administration, and is also accountable and under the control of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine and other central bodies of executive power.
In its activities, the Department is guided by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, current international treaties of Ukraine, orders of relevant ministries and other central executive bodies, Regulations of the regional state administration, orders of the head of the regional state administration, orders of the director of the Department, orders of the head of the regional state administration, decisions of the regional council, other normative legal acts, as well as these Regulations.
The main tasks of the Department are:
ensuring the implementation of state and regional policy in the field of international relations and cross-border cooperation in the territory of Lviv region, activation of interaction with international organizations and financial institutions within the framework of international technical assistance, European integration, external relations.
In accordance with the established powers, the Department organizes the implementation of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders and decisions of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine, the Ministry of Development of Communities and Territories of Ukraine and other central executive bodies, orders of the head of the regional state administration, orders of the Director of the Department, decisions of the Lviv Regional Council in terms of the implementation of delegated powers and exercises control over their implementation and performs the following tasks:
In the field of international cooperation, European integration, foreign relations:
Ensures the development of international cooperation, the deepening of cross-border, interregional ties, the fulfillment of obligations in accordance with international agreements to which Ukraine is a party, and concluded interregional regulatory documents.
Represents the interests of the regional state administration on behalf of the head of the regional state administration in relations with the relevant bodies of subjects or administrative-territorial entities of foreign states, as well as with international organizations.
Contributes to the fulfillment of the region's obligations under international agreements of Ukraine Develops and submits proposals to the head of the regional state administration regarding initiatives of an international nature and measures aimed at increasing the effectiveness of the region's cooperation with relevant subjects or administrative-territorial entities of foreign states, as well as international organizations.
Takes part in the work of international organizations, intergovernmental commissions, committees, working groups etc, in the prescribed manner.
Prepares drafts of agreements, contracts, memoranda, minutes of meetings and communiques on foreign relations issues, agrees them in accordance with the established procedure with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.
Organizes meetings and negotiations of the leadership of the regional state administration with delegations and representatives of foreign countries, international organizations, unions and groups, their missions and representative offices.
Participates in the preparation and approval in the established order of technical tasks, the composition of official delegations of the regional state administration, as well as the list of officials in government delegations and working groups for participation in negotiations, conferences, consultations, sessions, visits and other events of bilateral and multilateral international cooperation.
Participates in the development and approval in the established order of the stay programs of delegations, groups and individual representatives of foreign states in the part that concerns the region, organizes protocol events during their meetings with the head of the regional state administration and informs the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine about the results of these meetings.
Informs the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine about agreements concluded by the regional state administration in the field of international relations and provides copies of agreements certified by the regional state administration to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.
Provides the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine with reports on the development of international cooperation in the region twice a year. Ensures the formation of a positive image of Lviv region.
Ensures the formation of the concept of the promotional policy of Lviv region and its implementation.
Ensures production of promotional promotional products about Lviv region.
Organizes promotional activities within the scope of competence.
Ensures implementation of state policy regarding state secrets and control over its preservation within the scope of competence.
Performs other functions and tasks in the field of international cooperation, European integration, external relations assigned to the Department.
In the field of involvement and support of international technical assistance projects:
Monitors programs / grants that can be implemented in the territory of Lviv region.
Ensures an increase in the institutional capacity of the structural units of the regional state administration, district state administrations, local self-government bodies, territorial bodies of central executive authorities, territorial communities and public organizations of Lviv region in the matter of preparing international technical assistance projects and informing potential applicants of the available resources of international technical assistance.
Processes the needs of potential applicants of the region regarding areas of grant assistance.
Coordinates international technical assistance activities of structural units of regional state administration, district state administrations, local self-government bodies, territorial bodies of ministries and other central bodies of executive power, territorial communities and public organizations in the region and assists them in the performance of tasks and functions assigned to them.
Conducts advisory and information-explanatory work on the involvement and support of international technical assistance projects.
Provides support for meetings of regional state administration management on issues of international technical assistance.
Ensures the implementation in the territory of Lviv region of the Procedure for additional financing of international technical assistance projects from the regional budget.
Performs ongoing control over the implementation of current international technical assistance projects.
Ensures cooperation with audit and control bodies regarding the implementation of international technical assistance projects.
Attracts sources for co-financing international technical assistance projects.
Forms a database of international technical assistance projects (completed projects, ongoing projects) on the territory of Lviv region.
Prepares reporting and informative documentation in the field of international technical assistance in Lviv region.
Performs other functions in the field of international technical assistance in accordance with the tasks assigned to him.
In the field of cross-border cooperation:
Carries out powers in the field of cross-border cooperation provided for by industry regulations.
Ensures the participation of representatives of Lviv Oblast and Ukraine in meetings of the Ukrainian-Polish Intergovernmental Coordination Council on interregional cooperation.
Organizes and conducts meetings of the Commission on Cross-Border Cooperation, which operates within the framework of the Ukrainian-Polish Intergovernmental Coordination Council on Interregional Cooperation.
Organizes and ensures joint cross-border events.
Contributes to the strengthening of the institutional capacity of territorial communities in the field of cross-border cooperation.
Provides consulting, organizational, methodological assistance to territorial communities in terms of activation of activities as subjects of cross-border cooperation regarding the creation and development of various forms of cross-border cooperation.
Participates in the development of joint cross-border documents:
agreements, strategies, declarations etc.
It analyzes the needs and possibilities of building new international automobile checkpoints in the territory of Lviv region.
Takes measures to develop border and access infrastructure to international automobile checkpoints in the territory of Lviv region.
Takes measures to improve conditions for crossing the Ukrainian-Polish border.
Cooperates with the State Customs Service of Ukraine, the State Border Service of Ukraine, diplomatic missions of Ukraine to help citizens of Ukraine who find themselves in a difficult situation and need help crossing the Ukrainian-Polish border.
Performs other functions in the field of cross-border cooperation in accordance with the tasks assigned to him.
Other general activities:
Develops draft orders of the head of the regional state administration, in cases defined by law, drafts of normative legal acts on the implementation of sectoral powers.
Participates in the approval of projects of regulatory and legal acts developed by other bodies of executive power.
Participates in the development of draft orders of the head of the regional state administration, draft orders of the chief of staff of the regional state administration, drafts of normative legal acts, the main developers of which are other structural subdivisions of the regional state administration.
Participates in the preparation of reports of the head of the regional state administration for their consideration at the session of the Lviv Regional Council.
Prepares information and analytical materials independently or together with other structural subdivisions of the regional state administration for submission to the head of the regional state administration.
Prepares (participates in the preparation) of draft agreements, contracts, memoranda, minutes of meetings of delegations and working groups within the scope of his powers.
Considers in accordance with the procedure established by law the appeals of citizens, requests and appeals of people's deputies of Ukraine and deputies of the relevant local councils, state authorities, mass media, economic entities, public organizations on issues that belong to the competence of the Department and prepares draft answers in due time, provided by regulations.
Provides access to public information, the manager of which he is.
Ensures, within the limits of its authority, the implementation of state policy regarding the protection of information with limited access.
Ensures the protection of personal data within the limits of authority.
Ensures the implementation of measures to prevent and combat corruption. Performs accounting in the Department.
Ensures proper functioning of document circulation in the Department.
Ensures effective and targeted use of appropriate budget funds.
Organizes work on the collection, storage, accounting and use of archival documents.
Represents the potential of the region in various exhibition events, conferences, seminars, forums, festivals, fairs, salons and other public events in the field of international cooperation in Ukraine and abroad, ensures the organization and holding of such events on the territory of the region.
Prepares proposals for projects of the regional budget and programs of socio-economic and cultural development of the region on issues that belong to his competence.
Develops projects of regional target programs and prepares proposals for projects of state target, branch and regional programs on issues that belong to the competence of the Department.
Participates in the preparation of proposals on budget policy, effective use of financial, credit and currency resources of the region in the field of international cooperation.
Cooperates with state and local self-government bodies of Ukraine and foreign countries, in particular customs and border services, diplomatic and consular institutions in Ukraine and abroad, development agencies, associations, unions and other organizations of Ukraine and foreign countries, international financial institutions and institutions on implementation of international development projects, cross-border cooperation, external relations, development and implementation of international projects.
It carries out organizational and methodical management, coordination of the work of structural subdivisions of district state administrations and local councils of territorial communities on issues that belong to the competence of the Department, cooperates with structural subdivisions of regional state administration.
Participates in the training, retraining and upgrading of qualifications of personnel in the field of international cooperation, European integration and international technical assistance.
Constantly informs the population about the status of the exercise of powers defined by regulatory and legal acts.
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