Structure and contacts
Sector of Social and Legal Protection of Children of Service in Children Affairs of Lviv Regional State Administration

Khlopetskyi Roman
Deputy Chief – Head of the Sector
The sector of accounting and reporting of the service on children affairs of Lviv regional state Administration

Yankovska Inna
Head of Sector – Chief Accountant
Sector for the implementation of the reform of the system of institutional care and upbringing of children of the Children's Affairs Service of the Lviv Regional State Administration
Sector for the development of family forms of upbringing and adoption of the children's affairs service of the Lviv regional state administration

Petruk Mariana
Acting head of the sector
Activity information
Tasks and functions
REGULATIONS on Office of Children's Services
1. Office of Children's Services the Lviv Region State Administration (hereinafter – Office) Functional obligations The Office is the structural subdivision of the Regional State Administration, that is subordinated to the head of the Regional State Administration, as well as accountable and under the control of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine (hereinafter- MinSocUA)).
2. The Office is guided in its activities by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, as well as decrees of the President of Ukraine and resolutions of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine adopted in accordance with the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders of the Ministry of Social Policy, orders of the head of the regional state administration, orders of the head of the regional state administration, acts of the regional council and other regulatory and legal acts.
3.The main tasks of the Office are:
3.1. Implementation of the state policy on the social protection of children, prevention of child neglect and homelessness in the territory of the region.
3.2. Development and implementation independently or together with other executive authorities, local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership, public organizations measures to protect the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children.
3.3. Coordination of efforts of local executive bodies, local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership in solving issues of social protection of children and organizing work to prevent child neglect and homelessness.
3.4. Ensuring compliance with the requirements of legislation regarding the establishment of guardianship and care for children, their adoption, placement in family-type children's homes, foster families, families of foster educators, mentoring.
3.5. Monitoring the conditions of keeping and raising children in social welfare institutions for children of all forms of ownership.
3.6. Keeping state statistics on children.
3.7. Keeping records of children who find themselves in difficult life circumstances, orphans and children deprived of parental care, adopted, placed in foster families, family-type orphanages and social rehabilitation centers.
3.8. Determination of priority directions for improving the situation of children, their social protection, promotion of physical, spiritual and intellectual development, prevention of child neglect and homelessness, and the commission of offenses by children in the territory of the region.
4. The Office in accordance with the tasks assigned to it:
4.1. Organizes the development and implementation in the territory of the region of measures aimed at improving the situation of children, their physical, intellectual and spiritual development, as well as ensuring their meaningful leisure time, prevention of neglect and homelessness, and the commission of offenses by children.
4.2. Provides local executive authorities and local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership, public organizations, citizens within the limits of their authority with practical, methodical and consultative assistance in solving issues related to the social protection of children and prevention of offenses committed by children.
4.3. Facilitates the adoption, placement of orphans and children deprived of parental care, under guardianship, care, family-type orphanages, foster families, families of foster carers, implementation and guidance of children.
4.4. Monitors and coordinates the activities of children's services of district state administrations, executive committees of city councils and united territorial communities, provides them with practical and methodical assistance, summarizes and disseminates positive work experience.
4.5. Submits proposals for projects of state and regional programs, plans and forecasts in terms of social protection, ensuring the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children.
4.6. Ensures, within the limits of its authority, the implementation of control over compliance with the legislation on the social protection of children and the prevention of offenses committed by children.
4.7. Monitors the conditions of keeping and raising children in social welfare institutions for children of all forms of ownership in the families of guardians, custodians, family-type children's homes and foster families.
4.8. Together with the relevant structural subdivisions of central and local executive bodies, scientific institutions, organizes and conducts sociological research, studies and disseminates advanced international experience in matters of social protection of children, their rights and interests.
4.9. Ensures implementation of measures to provide housing for orphans, children deprived of parental care, and persons from their number in the Lviv region.
4.10. Performs the functions of implementing measures in the field of prevention and counteraction of domestic violence and counteraction of child trafficking.
4.11. Provides organizational and methodological assistance to shelters for children, centers for social and psychological rehabilitation of children, social and rehabilitation centers (children's towns), exercises direct control over their activities.
4.12. Organizes and carries out, together with other structural units of the regional state administration, authorized units of the National Police, measures for the social protection of children, identification of the causes of child neglect and homelessness, prevention of children from committing crimes.
4.13. Develops and submits for consideration to the regional council proposals regarding budget allocations for the implementation of programs and implementation of measures for the implementation of state policy on children, aimed at overcoming child neglect and homelessness, as well as maintenance of social protection institutions for children subordinate to it.
4.14. Prepares information and analytical materials independently or together with other structural subdivisions of the regional state administration for submission to the head of the regional state administration.
4.15. Ensures the implementation of measures to prevent and combat corruption.
4.16. Processes requests and appeals of people's deputies of Ukraine and deputies of the relevant local councils.
4.17. Considers citizens' appeals in accordance with the established procedure.
4.18. Provides access to public information, the manager of which it is.
4.19. Conducts information and explanatory work on issues within its competence through mass media.
4.20. Performs other functions arising from the tasks assigned to it, in accordance with the legislation.
4.21. Ensures, within the limits of its powers, the implementation of the tasks of mobilization training, civil protection of the population, compliance with the requirements of the legislation on labor protection, fire safety.
4.22. Organizes work on the collection, storage, accounting and use of archival documents.
4.23. Participates in the resolution of collective labor disputes (conflicts) in accordance with the legislation.
4.24. Provides protection of personal data.
4.25. Exercises branch powers provided for by law.
4.26. Exercises other powers provided for by law.
5. The Office has the right to:
5.1. To make decisions on issues within its competence that are mandatory for implementation by local executive bodies, local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership, officials, and citizens.
5.2. Receive notifications from local executive bodies and local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership, officials about the measures taken to implement the decisions made by them.
5.3. To receive information, documents and other materials on issues within its competence from other structural subdivisions of regional and district state administrations, relevant local self-government bodies, united territorial communities, enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership in accordance with the established procedure, and from local of state statistics bodies - statistical data necessary for the performance of the tasks assigned to it.
5.4. Contact local executive bodies, local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership in case of violation of children's rights and interests.
5.5. To raise before executive authorities and local self-government bodies the issue of referral to special institutions, educational institutions of all forms of ownership of children who found themselves in difficult life circumstances, repeatedly voluntarily left their families and educational institutions.
5.6. Check the state of work on the social and legal protection of children in social protection institutions for children of all forms of ownership, the state of educational work with children in educational institutions at the place of residence, as well as, if necessary, the working conditions of employees under the age of 18 at enterprises, institutions and organizations all forms of ownership.
5.7. If necessary, represent the interests of children in courts, in their relations with enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership.
5.8. To invite parents or guardians, guardians, parents of educators and adoptive parents, officials for a conversation in order to find out the reasons that led to the violation of children's rights, neglect and homelessness, the commission of offenses, and take measures to eliminate such reasons.
5.9. Raise before the relevant bodies of executive power and local self-government bodies the issue of imposing disciplinary sanctions on officials in the event of their failure to comply with the decisions made by the children's services.
5.10. Determine the need of the region for the creation of special institutions and institutions of social protection for children.
5.11. To develop and carry out own and support public programs of social direction in order to ensure the protection of the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of children.
5.12. To conclude cooperation agreements with scientific institutions, women's, youth, children's, religious and other associations of citizens and charitable organizations in accordance with the established procedure.
5.13. Convene meetings, conferences, seminars on issues within its competence in the established manner.
5.14. If necessary, visit children who find themselves in difficult life circumstances, are registered in the service, at their place of residence, study, work; take measures for the social protection of children.
5.15. To use the information bases of executive authorities, communication and communication systems, special communication networks and other technical means in the prescribed manner.
6. During the performance of the tasks assigned to it, the Office interacts with other structural divisions of regional state administrations and local self-government bodies, enterprises, institutions and organizations of all forms of ownership, associations of citizens and citizens.
6.1. Structural subdivisions of Regional state administrations that perform tasks and functions in the field of protection of children's rights are accountable and under the control of the Office.
6.2. The Office coordinates the activities of territorial bodies of ministries and other central executive bodies in the field of protection of children's rights and assists them in fulfilling the tasks and functions assigned to them.
7. The Office is headed by a Head, who is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by the Head of the oblast state administration with the approval of the Ministry of Social Policy in accordance with the legislation on civil service.
8. The Head of the Office has one deputy head of the Office – the head of the sector. The deputy head of the Office – head of the sector is appointed to the position and dismissed from the position by the Head of the Office in accordance with the legislation on civil service.
8.1 During the absence of the Head of the Office his duties are performed by the deputy head of the Service – the head of the sector or one of the employees of the Service, who is entrusted with the performance of duties by the order of the Head of the oblast state administration or the order of the Head of the Office.
9. The Head of the Office:
9.1 The Head of the Office supervises the work of the Office, bears personal responsibility for the performance of the tasks assigned to the service, as well as for the work of institutions subordinate to the Office.
9.2 The Head of the Office submits regulations of the Office for approval to the Head of the Region State Administration.
9.3 The Head of the Office submits the estimate and staff list of the Office within the limits of the maximum number of employees and payment for work fund of employees for approval to the Head of the Region State Administration.
9.4. Organizes the planning of work with the staff of the Office, including organizing tenders for vacant civil service positions of categories "B" and "C", ensures the transparency and objectivity of such tenders in accordance with the requirements of the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service".
9.5. Ensures career planning, scheduled replacement of civil service positions by trained specialists in accordance with the requirements for professional competence, and stimulates career advancement.
9.6. Ensures timely publication and transmission to the central executive body, which ensures the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of civil service, of information on vacant civil service positions with the aim of forming a unified list of vacant civil service positions, which is made public.
9.7. Appoints citizens of Ukraine who have passed competitive selection to vacant civil service positions of categories "B" and "C", dismisses them from such positions in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service".
9.8. Assigns ranks to civil servants of the Service who hold civil service positions of categories "B" and "C".
9.9. Monitors compliance with executive and official discipline in the Office.
9.10. Considers complaints about the actions or inaction of civil servants who hold public service positions of categories "B" and "C".
9.11. Makes, within the limits of the granted powers, decisions on encouragement and bringing to disciplinary responsibility civil servants who hold public service positions of categories "B" and "C".
9.12. Performs the functions of the employer in relation to employees of the Office who are not civil servants.
9.13. Creates proper working conditions and their material and technical support.
9.14. Exercises other powers in accordance with the Law of Ukraine "On Civil Service" and other laws of Ukraine.
9.15 Issues orders within his competence, organizes and monitors their execution.
9.16 Approves job instructions for Office employees and distributes responsibilities among them.
9.17 Plans the work of the Office, makes proposals for the formation of plans for the work of the regional state administration.
9.18. Takes measures to improve the organization and increase the efficiency of the Office.
9.19. Performs the duties of the head of the information protection service (IPS) of the Unified Information and Analytical System "Children" (UIAS "Children") at the regional level.
10. Resolution of issues related to adoption, placement of orphans and children deprived of parental care under guardianship, care, family-type children's homes, foster families is entrusted to a separate unit, which is formed as part of the Office. The staffing of such a unit is established depending on the number of orphans and children deprived of parental care, but not less than two persons.
11. For the agreed resolution of issues that belong to the competence of the Office, it may form a collegium consisting of the head of the Office (head of the collegium), his deputy, heads of other structural subdivisions of the regional state administration, National Police bodies, representatives of enterprises, institutions and organizations, citizens associations and charitable organizations.
11.1. The composition of the collegium is approved by the head of the regional state administration at the request of the head of the Office.
11.2. The decisions of the board are implemented by the orders of the head of the Office.
12. Scientific and coordinating councils and commissions may be formed in the Office to consider scientific recommendations and proposals for improving activities and solving other issues.
12.1. The composition of these councils and commissions and their provisions are approved by the head of the regional state administration upon the proposal of the head of the Office.
13. Maintenance of the Office is carried out in accordance with the legislation.
13.1. The limit number, salary fund of employees of the Service is approved by the head of the regional state administration.
13.2. Material and technical support of the Service is carried out by the regional state administration.
13.3. The cost estimate and staff list of the Office is approved in accordance with the established procedure by the head of the regional state administration within the limits of the determined maximum number and salary fund of its employees.
14. The Office is a legal entity, has an independent balance sheet, accounts in the bodies of the State Treasury Service of Ukraine, a seal with the image of the State Coat of Arms of Ukraine and its name, its own letterhead.
14.1. The Office is a budgetary non-profit institution, it is not a corporate income tax payer.
14.2. The financing of the Office 's activities is carried out from the state budget and is used exclusively for its maintenance. Funding of the Office from the regional budget is directed to the implementation of tasks and areas of activity defined by this Regulation. As a result of its activity, the Office does not receive profits.
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