Structure and contacts
Digital transformation and infrastructure department

Khomyk Nataliia
the Deputy Head of the Department – Head of the Division
Department of the administrative services development

Tupis Halyna
Head of the Department
Sector of financial and personnel support
Marushchak Liliya
Head of the sector
Activity information
Tasks and functions
The Office for Digital Development is a structural subdivision of the regional state administration, which is formed by the head of the Regional State Administration. The office reports to the Deputy Head of the Regional State Administration for Digital Development, Digital Transformation and Digitization (CDTO), operationally to the Head of the Regional State Administration, and is also accountable and under the control of the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine.
The main tasks of the Office are to ensure the implementation of state and regional policy in the areas of:
informatization, digitization, digital transformation, digital development, digital economy, digital innovations, e-government and e-democracy, development of information society, digital skills and digital rights of citizens, public information and information in the form of open data, personal data, provision of administrative services, development regional electronic information resources and interoperability;
introduction of electronic services (services), in particular through reengineering of administrative, social and other public services;
development of telecommunication technologies and communication, in particular, participation in the development and implementation of regional programs and activities related to the introduction of modern telecommunication technologies and the organization of interaction of the regional state administration with enterprises, institutions and organizations regarding the development of telecommunication technologies and communication;
cyber protection, technical protection of information, requirements for the protection of which are established by legislation.
Latest Documents
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