Useful information
Structure and contacts
Department of Culture

Pluhator Tetiana
Deputy Director - Head of the Department
Department of Arts and Culture Development

Hladkyi Vasyl
Head of the Department
Department of Cultural and Educational Work and Educational Institutions

Stefanko Illia
Head of the Department
Management of Personnel, Financial and Planning Work
Kozachok Iryna
Head of the Department – Chief Accountant
Department of Personnel Management

Karelina Yevdokiia
Head of the Department
Department of Programs, Events, Financial and Planning Work

Kuchma Nadiia
Head of the Department
Department of Religions and Nationalities

Dorosh Vasyl
Head of the Department
Engineering and Technical Department

Sobechko Liliia
Head of the Department
Territorial control service for the movement of cultural values across the state border of Ukraine

Shumska Halyna
Head of the Territorial Service
Activity information
Tasks and functions
The Department of Culture, Nationalities and Religions is a structural
subdivision of the regional state administration, subordinated to the head of the Regional State Administration, accountable and is under the control of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine within the limits stipulated by the current legislation.
The main tasks of the Department are:
Implementation and organization of implementation of state policy in the field of culture, art and cinematography, library and club affairs, national museum policy, art education; implementation of control over the export, import and return of cultural values across the state border of Ukraine;
Ensuring the functioning of the Ukrainian language in all spheres of public life;
Implementation of state policy in the field of international relations,
ensuring the rights of national minorities, the rights of citizens to freedom of outlook and religion;
Implementation of executive and organizational-administrative functions regarding the functioning and development of the sphere of culture, art and cinematography, library and club affairs, national museum policy, art education, international and interreligious relations;
Ensuring the free development of cultural and artistic projects;
Ensuring the availability of all types of cultural services and cultural
Formation of a complete cultural and informational space, protection and promotion of various high-quality national cultural products;
Implementation of interregional and international cooperation in matters of culture and art;
Promoting the revival and development of the traditions and culture of the Ukrainian nation, the ethnic, cultural and linguistic identity of national minorities;
Harmonization of inter-religious and international relations;
Protection of the rights of creative workers and their unions, social
protection of employees of enterprises, institutions and organizations in the field of culture;
Development of a network of organizations, enterprises and institutions of culture and art.