Useful information
Structure and contacts
Department of Internal Policy

Dendiuk Andrii
Head of the Department
Department of organization of events and communication with the public

Shvaiko Iryna
Deputy Head of Department - Head of the Division
Department of analytical work and monitoring

Mykhailo Galapats
Head of the Department
Office of Information Policy
Department of the Press Service
Kurylo Mariia
Deputy Head of Department - Head of the Department
Department of Information and Social Communications

Hudyma-Voronina Iryna
Head of the Department
Department of financial and organizational support

Romanenko Natalia
The head of the sector is the chief accountant
Activity information
Tasks and functions
Order of the head of the Lviv Regional State Administration "On approval of the Regulation on the Department of Communications and Internal Policy of the Lviv Regional State Administration" The Department of Communications and Internal Policy of the Lviv Regional State Administration (hereinafter referred to as the Department) is a structural subdivision of the regional state administration, formed by order of the head of the regional state administration, subordinate to the head of the regional state administration, and also accountable and under the control of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine in terms of restoration and preservation of national memory, information policy and publishing sphere. In its activities, the Department is guided by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine and the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders of the Ministry of Culture and Information Policy of Ukraine, orders of the head of the regional state administration, decisions of the Lviv Regional Council, other normative legal acts, as well as this Regulation. The main tasks of the department are: Participation in the implementation of the state policy of promoting the development of civil society and conducting consultations with the public on issues of the formation and implementation of state policy. Ensuring effective communication of the regional state administration with the public and assisting executive authorities and local self-government bodies in establishing communication with civil society institutions. Participation in the formation and implementation of state policy in the fields of information and publishing. Facilitating the implementation of the constitutional right of citizens to freedom of speech and the unhindered activity of mass media. Participation in the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of restoration and preservation of national memory. Monitoring and analysis of socio-political processes in the region. The department performs the following tasks in accordance with the specified sectoral powers: Organizes the implementation of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders of ministries, other central executive bodies and exercises control over their implementation. Prepares proposals for projects of the regional budget and programs of socio-economic and cultural development of the region on issues that belong to his competence; Develops projects of regional target programs and prepares proposals for projects of state target, sectoral and regional programs on issues that belong to his competence. Develops draft orders of the head of the regional state administration, other normative legal acts defined by law on issues that belong to his competence. Ensures implementation of measures to prevent and combat corruption in the Department. Makes proposals for the creation of temporary and permanent expert groups for the development of comprehensive programs, concepts, measures for the implementation of state policy in the region. Ensures implementation of measures regarding international cooperation on issues within its competence. Promotes the independent activity of citizens' associations, creates appropriate conditions for strengthening their influence on the adoption of socially important decisions. Monitors the activities of political parties and institutions of civil society, prepares proposals for their involvement in the solution of socio-economic issues of the region. Monitors the conduct of peaceful meetings, organizes in accordance with the established procedure, together with other structural divisions of the regional state administration, consideration of the demands of the participants of these actions. Prepares proposals for the implementation of measures aimed at creating appropriate conditions for the activities of civil society institutions in the region. Provides organizational and legal support for the activities of the Public Council under the Lviv Regional State Administration. Organizes, together with other structural divisions of the regional state administration, public events of the regional state administration. Coordinates and provides methodical support in the interaction of structural divisions of the regional state administration with representatives of civil society institutions. Ensures the preparation and holding of public public discussions together with other structural subdivisions of the regional state administration. Facilitates and ensures the preparation and holding, together with other structural units of the regional state administration, of scientific conferences, seminars, round tables on political and legal issues, consultations with the public on topical issues of social life, on ways to solve problems and determine the prospects for the development of the region, as well as on other issues. Provides organizational and practical support for the work of the regional interdepartmental commission in matters of perpetuating the memory of participants in the anti-terrorist operation, victims of war and political repression. Prepares, organizes, and conducts official events to celebrate national, regional, and local holidays, commemorative dates, historical events etc, and ensures the participation of the leadership of the regional state administration in these events. Disseminates information about the activities of the regional state administration through mass media, contributes to the formation of an objective perception of the public, state structures, as well as foreign partners interested in cooperation with the regional state administration about such activities. Conducts active informational and analytical work aimed at explaining social and economic policy to citizens. Interacts with the Office of the President of Ukraine, the Secretariat of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, central executive authorities in order to ensure wider relations with the public through mass media. Ensures openness in the activities of executive authorities through mass media. Develops thematic areas of work with mass media, identifies problems that most concern the public. Provides organizational, methodical and advisory assistance to mass media. Prepares, places and constantly updates materials for the website of the regional state administration and the official pages of the regional state administration in social networks. Provides feedback for contributors to the regional state administration website. Prepares own materials for the press, organizes interviews with experts on current social issues, responds to publications in the press and materials for TV and radio broadcasts, creates own programs and TV stories. Conducts work with journalists: organizes and conducts press conferences, briefings; organizes meetings with management and other specialists; within the scope of his competence, he prepares answers to the requests of the editors of publications, television, radio, and organizes visual materials. Updates the information database, photo and video libraries, and also provides these materials to mass media. Ensures the participation of speakers from the regional state administration in press conferences, briefings, video chats, video broadcasts and round tables. Provides information support for state reforms in the region. Ensures the functioning of the system of constant monitoring of public and political attitudes of the population and assessment of the public and political situation in the region. Ensures publication of normative legal acts of the regional state administration in the official printed edition of the regional state administration. Makes proposals for improving the legislation on the formation of state policy and activities of business entities in the field of information and publishing. Analyzes and summarizes information about the situation in the information space of the region by monitoring Internet resources, printed and other mass media. Monitors compliance by mass media and publishing entities with legislation on issues within its competence. Promotes the implementation of state policy in the field of information and publishing with the aim of ensuring citizens' access to information, more fully satisfying the population's needs for information and publishing products. Ensures the consideration of appeals, statements and complaints of citizens, institutions and organizations on matters within its competence. On behalf of the head of the regional state administration, he provides clarification to citizens on the content of the adopted orders on internal policy issues. Together with other state authorities, it takes measures to develop book publishing and book distribution. Develops measures to popularize domestic book publishing products. Prepares proposals for the regional budget project. Prepares materials for reports, speeches, appeals, greetings of the leadership of the regional state administration within the limits of his competence. Facilitates the conduct of sociological research, questionnaires, online surveys of various segments of the population on issues of evaluation of the activities of state authorities, political parties, and public organizations.
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