Structure and contacts
Deputy Head of the Department

Victoria Moses
Deputy director of the department
Care Office of Medical care, strategic development and communication

Chornii Volodymyr
Deputy Director of the Department, Head of Office
Department of organising medical care for the population

Veres Mariia
Deputy Head of the Department -Head of the Department
Department of quality control of medical care and communication
Ulyana Morozova
acting head of the department
Management of organizational and financial support, strategic planning and digitization

Maloid Oleksandr
Head of the Department
Department of strategic planning, financing and economic analysis

Izmailova Olena
Head of the Department
Department of postgraduate education, digitization and organizational support

Kmit Iryna
Head of the department
Chief Specialist, chief accountant
Stosyk Tetiana
Chief Specialist, chief accountant
Activity information
Tasks and functions
Powers of the Department of Health:
1) implementation of state policy on health in the sphere of health care at the level of hospital district of Lviv region and organisation of provision of medical care in the hospital district;
2) Branch Management of Healthcare Institutions Joint ownership of territorial communities of Lviv region;
3) formation of a network of Health care institutions taking into account the plans of development of the hospital district in Lviv region, people’s needs for medical services, the need to ensure the proper quality of such service, timeliness, accessibility for citizens, efficient use of material, labor and financial resources;
4)healt care management to the populations, work of medical and social examinations, , institutions of forensic medical and forensic psychiatric examination;
5) implementation of measures aimed at prevention of infectious diseases, epidemics and on them;
6) ensuring the implementation of acts of legislation in the field of health care, state standards, criteria and requirements aimed at preserving the natural environment, as well as compliance with the standards of professional activity in the field of health care,requirements of State Pharmacopoeia, standards of medical care, medical materials and technologies.
The Department of Health, in accordance with the specified powers, performs the following tasks:
1) organizes the implementation of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders of ministries, other central executive bodies, orders of the head of the regional state administration within the scope of the Department's powers and exercises control over their implementation;
2) carries out organizational and methodical management of health care institutions of cities and regions of the region, directs their activities to the effective implementation of state policy in the field of health care in the territory of Lviv region and ensures control over their activities. Coordinates the activities of territorial bodies of ministries and other Central bodies of Executive power in the field of health care and assists them in the performance of tasks and functions assigned to them. Health care institutions of cities and districts of the region are accountable and controlled by the Department in the part of organizational and methodological support;
3) realises other authority, delegated by bodies of local self-government;
4) prepares proposals to the project of the socio-economic development programs of the region and regional budget projects, , submit them to the regional state administration and ensure their implementation;
5) within the limits of its competence, assists local self-government bodies in solving issues of socio-economic development of the respective territory;
6) studies the state of health of the population, takes measures to prevent and reduce morbidity and disability, as well as increase people's life expectancy;;
7) according to legislation and in conformity with the timescale of the terms, provide the Minister of Health with the necessary information, documents, materials and statistical reports;
8) prepares proposals and ensures the organization of implementation of measures to carry out reforms in the field of health care in accordance with the assigned tasks and, after coordination with the Ministry of Health, submits them for consideration by the regional state administration;
9) develops forecasts of Development of Medical nstitutions, formation, reorganization and their closure and takes them into account during the development of projects of socio-economic development programs of the relevant territories;
10) carries out monitoring and information support of reform processes;
11) develops drafts of orders of Head of regional state administration, in cases specified by law – drafts of normative legal acts on the implementation of sectoral powers;
12) participates in the development of draft orders of the chief of staff of Regional state administration, draft regulations, the main developers of which are other structural subdivisions of the regional state administration;
13) develops regional target programs in the field of public health protection, submits them in the prescribed manner to the consideration of the regional council and organizes their implementation;
14) participates in the preparation of reports of the head of the regional state administration for their consideration at the session of regional council;
15) prepares information and analytical materials independently or together with other structural divisions of the regional state administration for submission to the head of regional state administration;
16) ensures the implementation of measures to prevent and combat corruption;
17) provides access to public information administration of which is Department;
18) allways informs the public about the state of implementation of the Department's powers defined by law;
19) ensures coordination and analysis of the activities of health care institutions of region;
20) organize and monitors the operation of a unified system of emergency medical care in region;
21) organizes work on health, motherhood and childhood, monitors the health of children in the institutions of preschool education and other educational institutions, regardless of the forms of ownership and accountability;
22) organizes a systematic medical examination of persons who took part in the anti-terrorist operation (operation of the United Forces) in the east of Ukraine, internally displaced persons, participants in the liquidation of the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster, evacuees and those resettled from exclusion zones, and those who live in radioactively contaminated territories
23) takes part in agitation and promotion of blood donation and its components;
24) is the main administrator of funds in terms of financing health care institutions, which are maintained at the expense of the regional budget, carries out their financing and coordinates their use of financial, material and labor resources;
25) carries out, on the basis of industry standards in the field of health care, control over the quality and scope of the provision of medical care by health care institutions of all forms of ownership and by natural persons-entrepreneurs who are registered in accordance with the established procedure and have received a license to carry out economic activities for medical practice in the territory Lviv region;
26) carries out accreditation of health care institutions, provided by the Cabinet of Minister of Ukraine;
27) organizes the attestation of doctors and other categories of medical workers in the prescribed manner;
28) provides admission to the internship of graduates of medical and pharmaceutical educational institutions of III-IV accreditation levels, medical facilities of universities;
29) it also conducts the methodical management , functional management and control over the activities of medical and pharmaceutical education institutions of the I-II accreditation levels, which belong to the Department's management sphere;
30) predicts the need of health care institutions in the region for specialists of various specialties of the field of health care, forms orders for training, retraining and certification of health care workers;
31) contributes to the development of medical science and technology, creates appropriate conditions for the implementation of scientific achievements, best practices in the field of health care;
32) promotes the realization of the right of citizens to participate in the management of health care by conducting appropriate public expertise, establishing the activities of public advisory or observation councils, public organizations of health care workers and other associations of citizens;
33) conducts monitoring and analysis of public opinion regarding the quality and availability of medical care for the population of the region, ensures the preparation of proposals to take this information into account during the formation and implementation of state policy in the field of health care;
34) carries out permanent control over compliance with acts of legislation on health protection by the heads of health care institutions belonging to the sphere of the Ministry of Health;
35) organizes legal education of health care workers, familiarizing them with health care legislation;
36) ensures compliance with the requirements of the legislation on labor protection and fire safety within the limits of its powers;
37) ensures, within its powers, the implementation of mobilization preparation and mobilization measures;
38) organizes, within the limits of its authority, planning and control over the implementation of civil protection measures of the population and territories against the consequences of emargaency situations of man-made, natural and militar;
39) organizes and carries out medical and sanitary support during the liquidation of the consequences of emergency situations;
40) ensures consideration of appeals from citizens and their associations within the specified legal period, takes measures to eliminate the causes that cause citizens' complaints about violation of their rights and legitimate interests, supervises this work in health care institutions;
41) processes and considers requests and appeals of people's deputies of Ukraine and deputies of local councils in accordance with the procedure established by law;
42) conducts work related to the development and implementation of measures regarding the medical care of refugees, as well as deported persons who voluntarily return to the regions of their former residence;
43) participates in the implementation of national, regional, and other programs to prevent and reduce the use of alcohol and tobacco products and their harmful effects on the health of the population, ensures the implementation of preventive and curative measures in this direction;
44) takes measures to implement international programs by health care institutions of the region and promotes the development of international cooperation in the field of health care;
45) informs the population of the region through the mass media about the use of tobacco products that harm our health, about the prevention and preventive measures to limit the use of tobacco products among the population, to protect them, primarily children and young people, from harmful effects on their health ;
46) submits to the State Awards Commission under the Lviv Regional State Administration submissions on awarding employees of health care institutions of the region with state awards and awarding them with honorary titles;
47) consider the issue and makes a corresponding application to the Ministry of Health, regarding the designation of employees of the regional health care institutions with departmental incentive awards of the Ministry of Health;;
48) organizes the work on collection, storage, accounting and use of archival documents;
49) provides realisation within the limits of its power, the implementation of the state policy regarding the protection of information with limited access;
50) participates in the resolution of collective labor disputes (conflicts) in accordance with the legislation;
51)provides protection of personal data ;
52)carriers out other powers provided by current legislation in the sphere of health care.
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