Structure and contacts
Department of economic- contractual activity and coordination of construction organizations.

Povazhna Zoryana
Head of the department of accounting and reporting and ensuring economic activity
Department of technical supervision and project works

Dulia Roman
The Deputy Head of the Department – The Head of the Division
Department of accounting, reporting and ensuring economic activity
Activity information
Tasks and functions
The main purpose of activity
This department acts in accordance with the “Regulations on the capital construction department of the Lviv Regional State Administration”, takes into account the customer wishes for the organization of construction, reconstruction, restoration, capital repair of communal economy and social-cultural purpose facilities.
The main tasks of the Department
Ensuring the implementation of state and regional policy on the programs implementation in the construction field. Consideration and submission of proposals to the plans of regional programs for the construction and reconstruction of objects in the territory of Lviv region.
Main functions
The department exercises customer wishes.
Department places orders for design works, concludes contracts (additional agreements) with project organizations for the development of the project estimate documentation (PED) and the implementation of the author’s supervision of the construction.
Department ensures, in accordance with the established procedure, timely and full financing of the PED and facilities construction in accordance with the concluded contracts.
Department places orders for capital construction (conducts tenders), concludes contacts with construction organizations, together with contracting organizations determines and agrees on contractual prices for the facilities construction in accordance with current regulatory documents, concludes contracts with enterprises, organizations and executive bodies for the funds transfer for the construction, reconstruction, restoration, capital repair of communal, social-cultural facilities residential buildings; construction, reconstruction, capital repair of roads of urban significance and engineering structures for them, intra-district roads.
Department receives permits for construction and assembly works from State Inspection of Architecture and Urban Planning (SIAUP).
Department performs technical supervision construction, control over compliance of volumes and quality of completed works with projects, technical conditions and standards.
Department checks the documents submitted for payment by contracting, supplier, project organizations, regarding the performance of works.
Department makes payments with contractors and other enterprises, institutions and organizations for completed works.
Department provides control over commissioning and preparation of objects for operation.
Department transfers completed construction and commissioned facilities to enterprises and organizations entrusted with their operation.
On behalf of the Head of the Departmentalawyer of the Department represents the interests of the CCD (Capital Construction Department) of LRSA(Lviv Regional State Administration) in local, appellate, higher specialized courts and in the Supreme Court, including in relations with state bodies, local government bodies, enterprises, institutions, organizations of all forms of ownership on issues related to the limits of the Department powers in accordance with the procedure established by regulatory and legal acts.
Department bears the obligation to pay the funds collected according to court decisions related to the Department work.
Latest Documents
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- Додаток до розпорядження начальника обласної військової адміністрації від 07.02.2025 № 124/0/5-25ВА
- Про передачу витрат об’єкта реставрації Державному архіву Львівської області
- Додаток до розпорядження начальника обласної військової адміністрації від 07.02.2025 № 125/0/5-25ВА
- Про передачу витрат об’єкта реконструкції Підкамінській селищній раді Львівської області
- Додаток до розпорядження начальника обласної військової адміністрації від 06.01.2025 № 17/0/5-25ВА
- Про передачу витрат об’єкта реконструкції Державному архіву Львівської області
- Додаток до розпорядження начальника обласної військової адміністрації від 30.12.2024 № 1504/0/5-24ВА
- Про передачу витрат об’єкта реконструкції Державному архіву Львівської області
- Додаток до розпорядження начальника обласної військової адміністрації від 30.12.2024 № 1505/0/5-24ВА