Structure and contacts
Department of sports infrastructure development, control and administration

Tur Andrii
the Deputy Head of the Department – Head of the Division
Youth Policy Department

Nazarkiv Taras
Acting Head of the Department
Physical Culture and Sports Department

Kozii Olha
The Head of the Department
Department of planning and financial activities, accounting and reporting

Shaban Lesia
The Head of the Department- the Chief Accountant
Activity information
Tasks and functions
Regulations on Youth and Sports Department of the Lviv Regional State Administration (LRSA).
The main tasks of the Department are ensure the implementation of state policy in the field of physical culture and sports, youth policy and implementation of programs and events aimed at the development of physical culture and sports in the territory of the region.
Department in accordance with assigned tasks:
1. Department organizes the implementation of the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders of ministries, other central executive bodies in the implementation of state policy in the field of physical culture and sports, youth policy.
2. Department promotes the development of sport kinds recognized in Ukraine.
3. Department assists public organizations of physical culture and sport orientation in their work on sports and youth issues.
4. Department organizes and conducts physical culture and sport events among various population groups, engages them in physical culture and sport exercises, ensures healthy life style promotion.
5. Department contributes the development of the Olympic, Paralympic and De-Olympic movement, sport movement of veterans, wounded soldiers, etc.
6. Department promotes international cooperation on youth and sports issues, as well as the involvement of international technical assistance in the field.
7. Department ensures protection of the rights and legitimate interests of individuals and legal entities within the limits of the powers.
8. Department provides administrative services.
9. Department develops draft orders of the Head of the Region State Administration in cases defined by law – drafts of legal acts on the implementation of physical culture and sports, participates in approval of legal acts drafts developed by other executive bodies.
10. Department participates in the preparation of reports of the Head of the Region State Administration for the consideration of the session of the Regional Council.
11. Department prepares information and analytical materials independently or together with other structural subdivisions of the Region state administration for submission to the Head of the Region state administration.
12. Department ensures implementation of measures to prevent and combat corruption within the powers.
13. Department considers citizens appeals in accordance with the procedure established by law.
14. Department processes requests and appeals of people’s deputies of Ukraine and deputies of the relevant local councils.
15. Department organizes work on the collection, storage, accounting and use archival documents.
16. Department provides access to public information managed by the Department.
17. Department ensures the implementation of state policy regarding the information security with limited access within the limits of the power.
18. Department ensures personal data security and carries out the processing within the limits and within the terms necessary for the implementation of functions and powers.
19.Department prepares proposals for projects of state targeted, sectoral and regional youth and sports development programs, ensures their implementation.
20. Department makes appropriate proposals regarding the project of the regional budget on issues that belong to the competence.
21. Department develops and submits proposals to the Region state administration for financing projects and logistics for the implementation of programs and planned events aimed at the youth and sports development.
22. Department prepares proposals regarding the improvement of the legal framework on issues within the competence and submits them in the established procedure for consideration by the Region state administration and the Ministry of Youth and Sports.
23.Department prepares and submits analytical materials and statistical reports on issues within the competence in the established procedure.
24.Department participates in the resolution of collective labor disputes (conflicts) in accordance with legislation.
25. Department approves provisions on regional competitions, conducts regional competitions and educational and training meetings within the limits of the funds allocated for the development of youth and sports.
26. Department completes the composition of the national sports teams of the region, ensures the organization of training and participation of athletes in competitions of the appropriate levels; contributes to the creation of the most favorable conditions for training for members of national teams and their coaches, candidates for participation in the Olympic, Paralympic, De-Olympic Games, Youth Olympics, European Olympic festivals, World Games, Chess Olympiads, World Masters Games, Invincible Games, etc.
27. Department monitors the activities of children's and youth sports schools of the region, regional centers of Olympic training, regional centers "Invasport", "Sports for All", sport bases with the status of an Olympic training base and other physical culture and sports institutions.
28. Department contributes to the preservation and development of the network of physical culture and sport institutions, takes measures to staff them and strengthen the logistical base.
29. Department violates in accordance with the established procedure the petition for awarding athletes, coaches, specialists and workers in the field of physical culture and sports with state awards, awarding them with sports titles, as well as for awarding state scholarships of the President of Ukraine to Olympic, Paralympic and De-Olympic champions, outstanding athletes, coaches, and promising young athletes , outstanding figures and veterans of physical culture and sports.
30. Department ensures, within the limits of powers, the organization and promotes the activation of physical culture and health work in the educational, industrial, social and household spheres, the development of amateur mass sport, sport of veterans.
31. Department takes measures to ensure the development of the network of physical health centers of the population "Sport for All", supervises thework.
32. Department monitors compliance by organizations with the physical culture and sports orientation of legislation on physical culture and sports the requirements of the Unified Sports Classification, etc.
33. Department studies, summarizes and disseminates best practices in the field of physical culture and sports, youth policy, conducts methodical and scientific-practical seminars, conferences, and other events for this purpose.
34. Department registers sports records and achievements set by athletes of the region, informs the Ministry of Youth and Sports about it in the established procedure.
35. Department examines the need for specialists to organize work on youth policy, physical culture and sports issues, promotes the improvement of their qualification.
36. Department contributes to attracting funds of enterprises, institutions and organizations for the development of physical culture and sports.
37. Department interacts with scientific and expert environments, local branches of public organizations of physical culture and sports orientation in accordance with concluded contracts.
38. Department contributes to the functioning of the communal facility of the Lviv Region Council "Lviv Regional Center for Physical Culture and Sports of the Disabled "Invasport"" and the structural subdivisions, public organizations of persons with disabilities with a physical culture and sports focus on the development of physical culture, rehabilitation and sport work among athletes with disabilities, strengthening their logistical base, provides them with consulting and methodological assistance, etc.
39. Department takes measures to ensure medical and dispensary examination of athletes, athletes with disabilities, sport veterans and their coaches, conducts necessary organizational measures within the scope of anti-doping activity, within the powers.
40. Department ensures, within the powers, the implementation of measures for the activation of international cooperation and the provision of international technical assistance on issues belonging to the competence in the field.
41. Department controls the technical condition, efficiency and targeted use of sport facilities belonging to the department sphere of the Region state administration, in particular, the creation of the necessary conditions for free access to them by persons with disabilities, in compliance with safety rules during mass sport events.
42. Department conducts informational, explanatory and promotion work among the population, in particular through printed and electronic mass media, on issues within the competence, carries out advertising and publishing activities in accordance with the established procedure.
43. Department ensures, within the limits of the powers, the implementation of the state policy regarding state secret, the implementation of control over the preservation in the Department.
44. Department ensures, within the limits of the powers, the implementation of the tasks of mobilization training, civil protection of the population, takes measures to prevent injuries, comply with the requirements of safety technology, occupational health and safety, fire safety rules, prevent accidents, provide first aid and create safe conditions for activities in the field of physical culture and sports.
45. Department provides organizational and legal support for the implementation of state youth policy in the region.
46. Department prepares analytical and informational materials on the implementation of state youth policy in the region.
47. Department contributes to solving social issues, issues of education, work, life, health care, recreation, ensuring the rights and legitimate interests of young people.
48. Department coordinates the implementation of youth events, all-Ukrainian, regional and international actions, scientific and educational projects in the field of social formation and development of youth, promotion of development and meaningful leisure of youth.
49. Department ensures the interaction of state bodies and local government bodies with public organizations, foundations regarding the conduct of socially significant monitoring, scientific and practical research, competitions for obtaining grants in the field of development of youth activity support systems and the potential of civil society organizations in the field of youth life.
50. Department contributes to the development of student self-government bodies and the volunteer movement.
51. Department coordinates the educational work of public organizations and foundations among pupils and students on issues of promotion of a healthy lifestyle, prevention of alcoholism, drug addiction and HIV/AIDS.
52. Department coordinates the work of the Lviv Regional Youth Center.
53. Department coordinates, within the limits of the authority, the implementation of measures aimed at organizing recreation and leisure for children and youth, promotes the preservation and development of the network of children's and youth public organizations.
54. Department ensures the implementation of measures to prevent and combat corruption in the Department.
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