Structure and contacts
Management of revenues and finances of the production sphere

Nos Ivan
Deputy director of the department, Head of Management
Department of finance of the production sphere

Iryna Melnychuk
Head of Department
Department of Finance of Investment Programs

Shlapak Volodymyr
The deputy head of the department is the head of the department
Department of Revenue and Economic Analysis

Kovpak Serhiy
Deputy Head of Department - Head of the Division
Budgetary management Office

Nakonechna Svitlana
Deputy Director of the Office - Head of the Department
Department of Consolidated Budget and Interbudgetary Relations

Bordun Olha
Deputy Head of Department - Head of Department
Department of operations with local financial authorities
Department of Health, Social Programs and Physical Development

Hurei Halyna
The deputy head of the department is the head of the department
Department OF Finance of Education and Culture

Ilechko Oksana
Head of the Department
Department of Finance of Non-Production Sphere

Barytska Oleksandra
Head of Department
Department of Finance of Local Authorities

Dovhanyk Olha
Head of the Department
Department of information technologies

Zvarych Liudmyla
Deputy head of the Department- head of the Division
Financial Analysis and Administrative Management Division

Natalya Spodaryk
Head of Department - Chief Accountant
Personnel management sector

Natalia Gerega
Head of the sector
Activity information
Tasks and functions
Regulations on the Finance Department
The Department of Finance of the Lviv Regional State Administration is a structural subdivision of the Lviv Regional State Administration, a member of it and within the region ensures the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to it. The Department is subordinated to the head of the regional state administration, as well as to the reporting under the control of the Ministry of Finance of Ukraine.
The main tasks of the department are:
Ensuring implementation of state budget policy on the territory of the region.
Preparation of proposals on financial support of measures of social and economic development of the region.
Development and preparation in the established order of the object of the regional budget (making changes to its indicators), calculations for it, forecast for the next two budget periods.
Organization of work on development of proposals on improvement of methods of financial and budgetary planning.
Implementation of the general organization and management of the regional budget execution, coordination of activity of budget process participants on planning and execution of the budget.
Formation of balance of financial resources of local budgets of the region, preparation of proposals on expediency of introduction of local taxes, fees, privileges, objects of orders of the head of the regional state administration, other objects of normative-legal acts, the main developers of which are the department or structural subdivisions of the regional state administration.
Ensuring control over effective and targeted use of regional budget funds at all stages of the budget process.
Examination of decisions of local self-government bodies on approval of local budgets.
Control over compliance with the legislation on the use of budget funds by enterprises, institutions and organizations.
Adoption of decisions on the application of measures of influence to the participants of the budget process in violation of the budget legislation, defined by the provisions of the Budget Code of Ukraine.
Organization of regional budget implementation, analysis of quarterly and annual reports on its implementation, formation of regional report from the network of states and continents, generalization and analysis of these indicators in the region.
Placement of temporarily free funds of the regional budget on bank deposit accounts or by purchase of securities.
Providing access to public information, the manager of which he is.
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