Department of Architecture and Urban Development

Vasyl'ko Olena
The Head of the Department; the ChiefArchitect of the regionStructure and contacts
Department of Urban Planning and Architecture

Vashchuk Viktor
Deputy Director of the Department - Head of the Division
Department of urban planning policy
Department of regulation of land relations

Stara Tetyana
Acting Head of the Department
Department of Protection of Cultural Heritage Objects
Department of protection, restoration and supervision of compliance with the legislation on the protection of cultural heritage

Harun Hanna
Head of the Department
Department of accounting, passporting and preservation of monuments

Yasinska Roksolana
Head of the Department
Department of financial support and personnel management

Kurylo Maria
Acting Head of the Department
Activity information
Tasks and functions
The Department of Architecture and Urban Development of Lviv Regional State Administration coordinates the activities of territorial bodies of ministries and other central executive bodies in the field of urban planning and architecture, protection of cultural heritage and assists them in the performance of tasks and functions assigned to them.
The main objectives of the Department are:
Ensuring the implementation of state policy in the field of urban planning and architecture, protection and preservation of cultural heritage objects in the region.
Organization of activities and ensuring the functioning of the urban cadastre of the region. Promotion of attraction of internal and external investments.
Ensuring the implementation of state policy in the field of land relations, which belongs to the powers of Lviv Regional State Administration, in accordance with the Land Code of Ukraine; conducting an analysis of the effective use of land resources of the region in order to improve the territorial planning of settlements; consideration of applications and appeals of citizens, individuals and legal entities on issues of land management in the territory of the region.
Implementation of urban planning monitoring of the implementation of the planning scheme of the territory of the region, taking into account the general planning scheme of the territory of Ukraine, the state of development and updating of urban planning documentation.
Determination of state interests for their consideration during the development of the general plan of the settlement.
Coordination of the activities of urban planning entities regarding the comprehensive development of territories, development of settlements, improvement of their architectural appearance, preservation of the traditional nature of the environment and objects of architectural and urban planning heritage.
Monitoring the implementation of the Law of Ukraine "On the Protection of Cultural Heritage", other legal acts on the protection of cultural heritage on the territory of the region.
Submission of proposals to the central executive body that implements the state policy in the field of cultural heritage protection on the inclusion of cultural heritage objects in the State Register of Immovable Monuments of Ukraine and amendments to it, on the inclusion of the relevant territory in the List of Historical Settlements of Ukraine.
Implementation of other powers in the field of cultural heritage protection provided by the Law of Ukraine "On Cultural Heritage Protection".
Regulations on the Department of Architecture and Urban Development
Latest Documents
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