Structure and contacts
Deputy director of the department
Management of social institutions, institutions and the provision of social services

Krut Tetiana
Deputy Director of the Department - Head of the Office
Department of social services, organization of rehabilitation and cooperation with public environments

Nemchuk Mykola
Head of the Department
Department of Institutions and Institutions

Rudyk Marta
Head of the Department
Administration of social services and some preferential categories
Department for Internally Displaced Persons
Hrytsevich Nadia
Head of Department
Family policy sector

Dorosh Ulyana
Head of the Department
Department of Social Protection of Persons with Disabilities and Victims of the Accident at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant

Yulia Hryhorivna
Head of the Department
Social Security Administration

Tymochko Ivan
Head of the Department
Department of state payments and benefits
Benefits sector

Leskiv Myroslava
Acting Head of the Sector
Department of social protection of Defenders of Ukraine and their family members

Tarasiuk Yulia
Head of Department
Department of financial and accounting

Turchyn Inna
Head of the Department
Department of organizational, personnel and legal work

Pyzo Halyna
Head of the Department
Activity information
Tasks and functions
The Department provides implementation of state policies on the territory of Lviv region on social support and social services to families and person who belong to vulnerable population groups and/or are in difficult life circumstances in the territory of Lviv region (in particular, elderly people , people with disabilities, war veterans and to the participants of the anti-terrorist operation / united forces operation (hereinafter – Antiterrorist operations / Join Force Operations) and the Revolution of Dignity; to members of families who died in ATO / JFO and Heavenly Hundred Heroes , citizens who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl disaster, people on low-income, internally displaced persons, children, other categories of people who according to the law have the right to benefits and receiving housing subsidies), recreation and leisure activities for children, prevention of domestic violence, combating human trafficking, ensuring equal rights and opportunities for women and men. The Department is guided on its activity by the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, acts of the President of Ukraine, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, orders of the Ministry of Social Policy of Ukraine, other central executive bodies, decisions of the Lviv Regional Council, orders of the head of the regional state administration.
The main tasks of the Department are:
Preparation of proposals for projects of state targeted, sectoral and regional programs in the field of social policy, including programs for raising the standard of living, strengthening the role of the family as the foundation of society.
Ensuring the implementation of state policy in the field of social support and provision of social services to families and individuals who belong to vulnerable population groups and/or are in difficult life circumstances, in particular to the elderly; persons with disabilities; war veterans; participants of ATO / JFC (Antiterrorist operations / Join Force Operations)and the Revolution of Dignity; to members of the families who died in ATO / JFC and Heavenly Hundred Heroes ; persons to whom the laws of Ukraine apply "On the status of War Veterans, guarantees of Their Social Protection" and "On victims of Nazi persecution"; citizens who suffered as a result of the Chernobyl disaster; families with children; low-income and multi-child families; internally displaced persons; other categories of persons who, according to the law, are entitled to benefits and housing subsidies.
Implementation of programs and measures in the sphere of social protection of the population, aimed at improving the situation of families, ensuring the health and recreation of children, ensuring equal rights and opportunities for the participation of women and men in political, economic and cultural life, combating discrimination based on gender and human trafficking.
Organization of social services provision and social work in the territory of Lviv region by defining the needs of the population in social services, development of relevant institutions, institutions, services and involvement of non-governmental organizations providing social services.
Coordination of activity and control over execution of tasks and measures directed at solving the issues which belong to its competence; submission of reports on supervision of compliance with the requirements of the legislation on appointment (recalculation) and payment of pensions by the Pension Fund bodies of Ukraine; provision of practical, legal and organizational-methodical assistance.
Assistance to local self-government bodies in solving issues of social and economic development of the respective territories, public and other organizations, volunteers – in carrying out work on social protection of families, including families with children, poor, many-day, disabled persons, elderly persons and other vulnerable categories of population.
Methodological support and coordination of provision of administrative services of social character through local self-government bodies, centers of rendering of administrative services.
Latest Documents
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