Zamula Khrystyna
Deputy head of the regional state administration
Manager's phone number
E-mail office
The biography
She is a citizen of Ukraine. She was born on September 7, 1984 in Batiatychi village, Kamianka-Buzka district (now Lviv district), Lviv region. She is fluent in Ukrainian and English. Total work experience - 17 years and 5 months. Civil service experience - 12 years and 11 months.
Education : full higher
2006National Forestry University of Ukraine, Specialist in Foreign Economic Activity Management, "Management of Foreign Economic Activity"
2021Lviv Polytechnic National University, specialty "Public Management and Administration", Master's degree
Labor activity
from 12.2003 to 02.2005senior state tax auditor and inspector of the Department of Documentary Inspections of Legal Entities of Tax Audit and Currency Control Department of Kamianka-Buzka State Tax Inspection of Lviv region
from 02.2005 to 09.2005senior state tax auditor - inspector of VAT Refund Audit Sector of the Control and Audit Department of Kamianka-Buzka State Tax Inspection of Lviv Region
from 09.2005 to 04.2006senior state tax auditor and inspector of the Control and Inspection Department of Kamianka-Buzka State Tax Inspection in Lviv Region
from 04.2006 to 06.2008state tax inspector of the Department of Taxation of Legal Entities of State Tax Inspectorate in Kamianka-Buzka District of Lviv Region
from 06.2008 to 07.2008Head of the Economic Analysis Sector of State Tax Inspectorate in Kamianka-Buzka District of Lviv region
from 07.2008 to 08.2009senior state tax inspector of the Department of Personal Tax Administration of State Tax Inspection in Shevchenkivskyi District of Lviv
from 09.2009 to 11.2010Head of the Control and Audit Department for Work with Regions, State Specialized Financial Institution "State Fund for Youth Housing Construction"
from 11.2010 to 05.2011Chief Accountant of the Mortgage Center in Kyiv and Kyiv Region of State Specialized Financial Institution "State Fund for Youth Housing Construction"
from 08.2011 to 08.2014postgraduate student of the Institute of Agroecology and Nature Management of National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine
from 02.2017 to 12.2019individual entrepreneur
from 12.2019 to 03.2021Head of Kamianka-Buzka District State Administration of Lviv Region
from 03.2021 to 03.2024Head of Lviv District State Administration of Lviv Region
From 2015 to 2019Kamianka-Buzka District Council
From 2020 to presentNovoyarichivska village council
From 15.03.2024 to presentDeputy head of the regional state administration