Kulepin Oleksandr
Deputy Head for Digital Development issues, Digital Transformations and Digitalization (CDTO)
Manager's phone number
E-mail office
The biography
Over 10 years of professional work experience in Ukrainian and international companies. Fluency in English. Two master's degrees in Public Administration (Ukraine and Lithuania), bachelor's degree in Finance (Ukraine).
2020 - 2022Mykolo Romerio Universitetas (Lithuania), Public Administration, Master's degree
2020 - 2021Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Public Administration and Civil Service, Master's degree
2007 - 2010Interregional Academy of Personnel Management, Finance and Credit, Bachelor's degree
Labor activity
May 11, 2021 - PresentDeputy Head for Digital Development issues, Digital Transformations and Digitalization (CDTO)
2020 - 2021Advisor to the Mayor of Lviv
2017 - 2020Head of marketing in Ukraine, COMUTO PRO Ukraine LLC (BlaBlaCar)
2015 - 2017Digital Marketing Manager, Waverley Software
2012 - 2015Completed an internship program and later became a Manager of PrJSC B.A.T.-Pryluky Tobacco Company